To the inner-workings of my brain...

I hope you brought snacks because the concession prices are outrageous.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

An inbetweenie!

Some of you may be aware of my brief stardom from Mighty Ducks 2, despite not being listed in the credits and my scenes having hit the cutting room floor. I do appreciate all the support and fan letters from you! To show that I actually read and respond to all of them, I'm posting one here.

Dear Sandra,

Oh geez, I hope it's okay that I called you by your first name. It's probably pretty presumptuous of me, but I just feel like I know you so well. I watched the outtakes on the super rare DVD version of Mighty Ducks 2 and I must say that the director made a grievous error in cutting your scene(s)! (Was there more than one? I just bet that director cut you from the deleted scenes too!)

I mean seriously, it was so transparent when they took that figure skater chick and had her rough up that one guy, that scene didn't even fit in the movie at all and was totally NOT in character for her. Unlike your scene, which, frankly, was amazing. I don't know how you showed so much depth from one scene, in which you didn't even speak! But I felt like I got your whole back story from the look between you and the cute guy with the curly hair. It's obvious that you were troubled and that's why you were violent, despite being short and cute. I was so evident that you and curly hair dude had A LOT of chemistry. I wish they would've pursued it in the film!

Anyway, just sending my love and fandom your way. Let me know if you are in anything else coming up (even the deleted scenes!) I will be sure to pick it up!

Much love!
(name left out for privacy reasons)

P.S. I heard you are dating Joshua Jackson now... any truth to that?!

Thanks for the letter anonymous! (you know who you are *sly grin*) I, too, felt that I could've done the film some justice, but alas that is Hollywood! I just roll with the punches and accept the director's decisions. Thanks for the love and right back atcha! As far as Josh Jackson is concerned. We've stayed friends over the years since D2 and we have been hanging out quite a bit lately. ;)

Lots o Love,


  1. lmao They were very lucky they could get a copy of that edition, there are only what, like 3 in the world?


  2. I'm sure it's more widely available on the internet now, but it is indeed quite a collector's edition!
