To the inner-workings of my brain...

I hope you brought snacks because the concession prices are outrageous.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

*Plays off stumbling like she did it on purpose*

Okay, I need to make an admission here. I knew Wes wasn't right for me and wasn't what I wanted in the long run, but I was still totally bummed when I left him. After I got my own place the next day, I moped around for a few days, feeling a bit aimless and NYC seemed lonelier without someone to come home to.

I almost got over it when I got back to working. I tried ghost writing screenplays for people, and even collaborating a bit, but found that I like having input from the very beginning, or being able to see a whole section of the product through by myself. So that wasn't quite working out for me either.

Finally, I *as my grandmother says* "got the stink blowed off me" and decided that I need to work on my own ideas and do my own thing. I made great progress on my book series, wrote a few articles for comedic magazines that were accepted for publication and rocked out some serious dance moves on a few night club outings. I think my confidence made people think I was famous because after a few songs, I suspect I had groupies. Oh, and I even had a letter of mine read on The Ricky Gervais Show by bowling ball headed Karl Pilkington--how rad is that? (feel free to read this paragraph as a montage, and you can even play eye of the tiger in the background, or just see video below for the score to this blog)

In perfect timing with my life, as soon as I get back on my feet, amazing opportunities present themselves. I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth, but seriously why can't good things happen when we're down and need a lift? I guess the saying "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" has merit, but damn it's annoying as hell to always have to dig yourself out of a ditch, isn't it?

Anyway, amazing opportunity... Turns out that word of my editing on Wes's film got out and also of my writing. (I think this blog may have even been involved *gives herself permission to internet squeal since she never would in real life*) I've been formally invited out to L.A. to potentially write for one of my favorite shows on television... that's right ladies and gentlemen... TRUE BLOOD!!! Normally it doesn't work this way, being invited out and all, but I guess if any place was capable of working in mysterious ways, it'd be Hollywood.

Alan Ball and his team know I write vampire/werewolf fiction (Urban Fantasy is the genre, for those not hip to the lingo), like my style of writing, know I'm familiar with Charlaine Harris's Southern Vampire series and would like a fresh perspective on their team of writers for the show. Fan-fucking-tabulous! I go out there next week to see if I'll mesh with the team, so wish me luck!

A great scene from a wonderful film version of the Iranian comic book, Persepolis:

If you want to hear a nicer version of the song, a cover that I actually like, take a listen here (not much to look at)


  1. Too bad about you and Wes. Maybe he'll make a movie about it though. I'd see that.

    And you know the soundtrack would rock.

  2. I'd totally see it, although I'd be bittersweet for me, I'm sure. I wonder who would play me.

    And the soundtrack would be SOOOOO good!
