To the inner-workings of my brain...

I hope you brought snacks because the concession prices are outrageous.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The 2nd Installment of: I saw Royal Tenenbaums and decided to marry Wes Anderson

You may remember that I left off with Wes and I at Denny's, a more lively and less family version of Perkins, the 24 hour place right across the street. Oh Denny's is family friendly enough, but come midnight, it is full of drunks and annoying teenagers. Whereas Perkins is only full of the staff, and occasionally me. Okay fine, I'll add the scraggly looking guy who floats in for an endless cup and coffee and smokes enough to fill the whole smoking section.

Anyway, back to Denny's. He ordered some crazy monstrosity of a breakfast platter--honestly the man is skinny, who knew he could eat so much. I had season fries, because nothing is better than fried greasiness very late at night.

As soon as he got to the hash browns portion of his meal, he eats one item at a time, he asked me to go to Chicago with him. I figured hey, this is Wes Anderson, he's awesome and famous, so if anything were to happen to me, it'd be on the news and honestly, I don't have shit else going on, so why the hell not?

I said yes and tried not to give a coy smile but I fear it popped out anyway.

When we were done eating, we went outside only to see that the roads were terrible and that the economy has affected the use of salt trucks and plows. They wouldn't be out for awhile yet, until work traffic became an issue.

With the Holiday Inn Express right around the corner, he invited me up to his room. I'll admit I felt a bit like a hussy accepting his offer, but it was genuinely made due to the snowy roads and us having sex was only a coincidence. Right?

So we headed for Chicago the next day and made in a little over two hours, good time for sure. We stayed in a nice, but mid range hotel. No flaunting of his wealth from my Wes. Although he did splurge on restaurants, but you kind of have to in Chicago, everything is more expensive in the city.

He was speaking at the Columbia film school and invited me to go along. He spoke about his films and spent an extra few hours of his time with the animation students discussing his latest, The Fantastic Mr. Fox. I couldn't help but feel all girly and proud of him when he spoke. I'm sure my face was glowing and the permagrin on my face had nothing to do with the pot he invariably ended up smoking with the students when he asked to step out with them behind the building, leaving me to entertain the professor.

The next morning, after we checked out of the hotel, we went to Hot Chocolate for brunch. Both huddling over giant mugs of hot chocolate, mine a medium and his a Mexican, like they were bowls of soup he looked me in the eye and I didn't blink or flinch. A small smile played on his lips, but was most evident in his now crinkly eyes.

"Wanna go to New York with me next?"

"What's going on there?"

"That's where I live."

"Oh." I wasn't sure exactly what he was asking of me. "I've never been there." I looked down and away, not able to hold his gaze when I was so unsure.

"Would you like to?"

"Visit? Sure." I looked at him with an easy smile and shrugged a bit, like it didn't matter one way or another.

"How about for more than a visit?" He still held my gaze and I did everything I could to hold it back.

Sure I saw Royal Tenenbaums and thought, I don't care what this dude looks like, I'm going marry him. The movie was that good. But marry him? Yeah that was a bit much. But boyfriend? I could totally do him as a boyfriend.

"Sure. Why not?"

He smiled into his hot chocolate and I smiled into mine, but I think his was bigger.


  1. Wow! You hussy you! lol
    I can't wait to see where this leads. :)


  2. *gasp* Is living in the moment being a hussy? *pulls sheet up to cover self*
