Random "fact" about me:
Everyone remember the movie Mighty Ducks 2? Okay... now how about the Bash Brothers?
Well, while it isn't well known, let me enlighten you. I was the third Bash er... Sister. While short in stature, I could sure pack a wallop. Oh and the cute one... yeah he had a crush on me.
What can I say... hormones. ;)
Crossing Over
1 year ago
Hormones, lol, indeed. I love reading these, even the short ones. Really clues you in to how deran... er, I mean brilliant some authors are. ;)
Hey don't be hating on me just because you didn't have an outlet for your teenage angst like I did. Hormones are great for an outlet... I mean violence is great... yeah controlled violence people cheer at is great. Really great. *dreamy eyed stare*