To the inner-workings of my brain...

I hope you brought snacks because the concession prices are outrageous.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I saw Royal Tenenbaums and decided to marry Wes Anderson

I went to the doughnut place tonight. (By tonight I mean in the wee hours of the following day) It's a 24 hour place with free wifi--talk about trouble all around right? But hey, I'm in my late twenties, certainly I've learned some self control by now.

I sat with my laptop, my earbuds in and was listening to Gossip--girl power band extraordinaire.

Side note: I can feel girl power without being a lesbian right?

Anyway I was really rocking my mad writing skills thanks to my Chai Tea and Bear Claw when a man in a vintage sports jacket and a striped knit scarf walks through the door and sits in the booth next to mine. His longish blonde hair hung over a longish face and framed a pair of piercing, albeit small, eyes atop a hawkish and slightly dorky nose. You guessed it folks, Wes Anderson (although it could've been Beck too) sat in the booth next to me. Not only in the booth next to mine but he actually sat facing me, with only two bench seats between us.

Of course I played it super cool-aloof even. I looked up when he came in, then focused on my laptop. We were the only two people in the place, besides the employee who was in back making fresh doughnuts.

I focused on typing the title for my chapter--a song of course. I find it adds more pizazz to the chapter when it comes with its own theme song. Deep in thought about the song Bridge Over Troubled Water and whether or not it's a good choice for a sex scene, a shadow descends over me.

"Can I borrow a cup of sugar?" He winks.

"Sure!" I wince at my eager reaction and doubly wince as I make the Vanna White hand gesture toward the only sugar container in the building, and knock my laptop screen in the process.

"Fuck." My knuckle is red with a tiny cut. I stick it in my mouth and it tastes like burning.

"Mind if I sit down?"

Hell no I don't mind! Would you? So Wes sits down and we proceed to have a very fulfilling conversation about writing, film, music, art in general and mainly... well mainly the weather.

The snow storm hit earlier in the day and dumped a foot of snow on us already. I'm not surprised no one is at the coffee shop. I'm a seasoned Michigan driver and if no one else is on the road, slippery roads don't scare me. However, Wes was on his way to Chicago from Detroit and in a little over his head with winter driving, despite his highfalutin rental car with four wheel drive.

Anyway time passes and our conversation proceeds to be very enjoyable. I crack him up with my jokes and little idiosyncrasies that make me--well me. I pack up my laptop, its going on 4 am after all and I try to get out of the doughnut shop before work people start showing up. I'm a night owl for several reasons. Being antisocial is just one of them.

Wes and I say a cordial goodbye and I even get a lengthy hug out of it. I find the corduroy of his camel colored jacket is warm and soft.

I hop up into my van and drive away into the almost sunrise. I drive slow because... well because the roads are seriously slick and I'm not an idiot. Besides the rear wheel drive of my van isn't fun on roads like these.

I get about three stops lights down the road and when a car pulls up beside me and honks its horn. I blast the heat on high (even though is the engine isn't even warm yet) and roll down the window. Only to find Wes in the car next to me!

"I'm kind of hungry and wondered if you wanted to go to Denny's with me?"

"Sure! Follow me!" I wince at my eagerness again and doubly wince as I fishtail when making a U-ey at the light to backtrack toward the Denny's I just passed.

More to come later!!!


  1. Wes Anderson?!? Seriously? Freakin Awesome! lol

    I absolutely loooove the blog idea, btw.


  2. Yes seriously! Isn't he adorable? *Squee*
